
Breaking: Local Child Has Been Burned Before
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僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Asui Tsuyu & Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou Hitoshi, Asui Tsuyu, Asui Samidare
Additional Tags:
Awkward Shinsou Hitoshi, Kid Shinsou Hitoshi, Kid Asui Tsuyu, Asui Tsuyu is a Good Friend, Protective Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is Bad at Feelings, Protective Asui Tsuyu, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Rain, Pre-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mentioned Midoriya Izuku, Scared Shinsou Hitoshi, Anxious Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Midoriya Izuku, POV Shinsou Hitoshi
Part 15 of Breaking: Local Couple Obtains Child
Published: 2022-08-24 Words: 1,140 Chapters: 1/1

Breaking: Local Child Has Been Burned Before


Hitoshi knows what it's like to think you have a friend. He knows how much it hurts when they turn on you. He hopes Asui Tsuyu isn't like that.


Breaking: Local Child Has Been Burned Before

Hitoshi has had “friends” before, the kind of kids who smile with a sneer and knock shoulders just a little too hard.

The ones who look at him like he’s a particularly funny joke even as they hang out with him. Sometimes it was a dare, sometimes a prank, sometimes it was nothing but cruelty. He learned very quickly to build walls around his heart they couldn’t break down.

He knows that Izuku has walls too. He can see it sometimes when Hitoshi isn’t careful enough, how he shrinks into himself and goes quiet.

Izuku doesn’t look at him with scorn or fear or hatred. Even when Hitoshi said he was going to be a hero, all he had was admiration and faith. He didn’t doubt him for a second.

Hitoshi knows that Izuku has faced just as much as he has, if not much worse, he can make his own decisions. He surely knows the risks that come with making friends who might hurt you.

That doesn’t stop Hitoshi’s fear when Izuku starts bringing up an Asui-san from another class. He doesn’t want his only friend getting hurt, he’s gone through so much already.

He doesn’t know what to do, his parents tell him to trust his friend's judgment and not interfere. No matter how well intentioned it is, it won't go well for anyone if he tries to drive them apart out of fear.

They suggest meeting her. He should, he really should but he freezes up whenever Izuku suggests it. It’s scary, at least with Izuku there was some shared trauma, he doesn’t have anything like that with whoever Asui-san is. What if she doesn't like him?


They meet by accident really, Hitoshi still working up the nerve to agree to meet.

He’s staring at the rain pouring down outside. Three searches through his bag have turned up nothing and he’s starting to wonder if it’s worth the effort to see if someone hid his umbrella from him as a “prank” or if he just forgot it on his way out the door.

He’s trying to hype himself up to just run with little success when an umbrella pops into his line of vision, his gaze follows it to the person holding it.

“You can borrow it if you want, I always bring an extra for Samidare but…” He follows her gaze outside to a child splashing gleefully through puddles, soaked to the bone and having the time of his life.

“Thanks…” He takes it gingerly, unsure if the offer is genuine.

“I’m Asui Tsuyu from 6-B,” she looks at him, really looks. “You’re Shinsou, right?”

“Yeah…” He’s a little thrown by the fact she recognizes him so easily.

“Yamada-chan’s mentioned you before.”

“Oh,” he isn’t sure how to respond to that.

“He’s a good friend.”

Hitoshi swallows, “yeah, he is.”

He opens the umbrella, It’s green and frog themed, which is… something, and starts to inch away. “Well, um, I should probably…”

“Of course,” she opens hers as well and steps over to talk to what must be her younger brother.

That should be the end of it, one small awkward conversation and he returns the umbrella in the morning.


As they exit the gate and start walking home they find themselves walking the same way.

It only takes a few blocks for Hitoshi to start considering ducking into a convenience store to get away from the awkwardness.

Asui doesn’t let him, instead slowing down to walk with him, her little brother stomping puddles up ahead.

“I didn’t know we lived in the same direction.” She comments mildly and Hitoshi takes the offer for what it is, desperate for something to break the uncomfortable silence.

“Me neither, um, where do you live? If you don’t mind me asking.”

They’re both surprised to find they’re only a block away from each other. The conversation peters out again, although Hitoshi thinks he’s the only one uncomfortable in the silence. Asui seems perfectly content to walk quietly. In fact, he thinks he might see a tiny hint of a smile on her face.

“So, Asui-san, do you like the rain?” He hopes that isn't a bad question for someone with a frog mutation.

“Yes, I get itchy and dried out in the summer and winter makes me tired. It feels wonderful when the rains come. I just wish it were a spring rain and not a fall one, those are the best.”

“Oh, um, why do you like them?”

“The spring rains are warmer. Do you like the rain, Shinsou-chan?”

“I don’t know, I don’t like getting wet. Humidity makes my hair worse which is annoying, but I sleep better when it rains. My quirk gives me headaches sometimes and they get a little better.”

She nods, apparently satisfied. “It is relaxing to listen to.”

“Yeah, is there anything you like to do when it rains?”

“Hmmm, when I was little I was like Samidare,” she points at him, still up ahead and kicking at a large puddle. “Sometimes I’ll go out and sit on the balcony, it’s very relaxing, or just watch the raindrops fall.”

“I like to draw sometimes, and my Mom makes hot chocolate when it’s dreary.”

She stops and turns to him once they’ve made it to her building, looking serious.

“Yamada-chan is a nice person and I like being his friend.” He nods because anyone with any sense would say so. “He likes being your friend too.” Hitoshi isn’t sure where this is going so he nods again uncertainly.

“I don’t know if we’ll be friends, Shinsou-chan, but I’d like to get to know you better. I know I make some people uncomfortable so I want you to know I don’t mean to and I don’t want to mess up your friendship.”

Hitoshi isn’t sure how to respond, he falters for a few seconds before taking a breath and letting it out to gather his thoughts.

“You don’t… make me uncomfortable. At least, not how you mean I think. It’s just, Izuku and I haven’t really had friends before, real friends, and, I care about him a lot and… I don’t want him to get hurt and I don’t want to lose him and I wasn’t sure how to...” He finishes lamely.

She nods knowingly and looks at him again. “You’re a good friend, Shinsou-chan. You should stay after school with us sometimes.”

“I’ll… think about it.”

“Alright, see you tomorrow Shinsou-chan.”

“See ya.”

He leaves with a wave that feels stilted and wrong but she doesn’t seem to notice, simply turning and going into the apartment building.

He isn’t sure how to feel about it but, replaying all their interactions in his mind, he can’t find anything that would tell him she’s lying or anything but genuine.

He can only hope he’s right.


End Notes

I think child Asui probably makes some people a little uncomfortable. She's blunt, doesn't outwardly emote very much, and doesn't really have issues standing against peer pressure.

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